Showing: 1 - 4 of 7 RESULTS
Trees Winter

Storm Éowyn

When I decided to keep the Torrisdale blog updated, I had imagined a rich variety of content – light-hearted essays depicting castle life, musings about our latest distillery developments, seasonal recipes, fun pet updates.  Instead,  all I seem to write about are storms and the subsequent chaos wreaked.  The build up to Storm Eowyn began …

Trees Winter

Bridge Building

The calm after Storm Darragh lasted a whole fortnight (with squally showers in between) before Torrisdale took another battering from 70mph winds yesterday. Apparently not strong enough for a name, this storm also did its worst and ravaged the estate, taking out several big trees in the process, some blocking the main road.  Our lovely …

Trees Wildlife WOOFers

Ranger Update

News from Torrisdale’s grounds team Our estate team has grown over the past few months and we’ve now added a part-time Ranger (Steve) and a full-time WWOOFer (Rona) to our ranks. Steve joins us from an estate on the Derbyshire-Nottinghamshire border where he worked as Deputy Head of the Grounds & Forestry Department. He also …