The calm after Storm Darragh lasted a whole fortnight (with squally showers in between) before Torrisdale took another battering from 70mph winds yesterday. Apparently not strong enough for a name, this storm also did its worst and ravaged the estate, taking out several big trees in the process, some blocking the main road. Our lovely neighbours who had decamped to town after the bridge closure were eagerly making their way home yesterday afternoon only to be halted, yards from the estate entrance, by a fallen tree.

Progress has been made on the missing bridge up the glen and the gallant Torrisdale team spent a few hours helping one of our neighbours with a temporary crossing. Using two large larch trunks and some pallets, a rudimentary foot bridge is now usable.
HOPEFULLY that is all the drama 2024 can throw at us now as it is Christmas Eve Eve and we are almost feeling festive. The VIP guests have arrived (my mum and dad!), there are 2389 tangerines in the fruit bowl, a jigsaw on the go, fridge tetris happening, one more day of breakfast advent chocolate and windfall greenery EVERYwhere. (Waste not, want not).
Obviously I have spoken far too soon and even as I typed that last paragraph, the lights flickered threateningly. As a precaution, I am googling how to cook turkey in a log stove and I’m sure we can boil some veg up in the Servants’ Quarters hot tub. The show will go on!

Merry Christmas when it comes!