The three new chicks at Glen House hatched this week. After Bunty went broody a few weeks back, we found some fertilised eggs for her to sit on, and now the surrogate mother-hen is doing a grand job of looking after her new chicks. Yesterday was their first day out into the big bad world…can’t …
Restoring Lost Paths
Work has begun on restoring the lost paths running between the castle and the walled garden. This area was once landscaped lawns, paths and flower borders extending on from the walled garden. There are black and white photographs in Garden Cottage that show the gardens and this area in its former manicured glory. Before we …
Sally’s Wwoof Week
Sally was up visiting me at Glen House and became a short term wwoofer for one week. We started clearing the lost paths from the walled garden to the castle (pics to follow) and clearing bracken along the main drive to create more space for tree planting. We did a little research on bracken and …
Tarbert Community Garden
A visit to Tarbert Organic Community Gardens this week, Jim Paterson who helps coordinate the gardens explained what’s been happening with funding from the Big Lottery’s Funds For All funding money. The Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust has planted around 1500 trees as part of the Entire Kintyre Orchard project. Some of these trees have …