Our social media followers will have seen my frequent witterings on Facebook and Instagram which often mention the status of the roof repairs but I felt it was high time there was an update on the website.
The work started at the end of July when the scaffolding went up. It’s amazing how quickly we got used it and Noah the cat was particularly delighted as it meant he could come in and out of the open kitchen window during the summer.
To say we picked the worst possible autumn and winter to have an exposed roof is the understatement of the year. Who could have predicted the sheer volume of water that has fallen in Argyll, and indeed most of Scotland, in the past few months – some of it into our bedrooms!
Poor Niall has had frequent late night roof checks as water comes gushing in the numerous trouble spots. (As I write this, a text from our eldest from upstairs arrives: “I think it’s leaking in the bathroom”. We are braced for storm Darragh to do its worst*.)
There is light at the end of the tunnel though and we might even be water tight by Christmas.
We haven’t been able to let out the Servants’ Quarters while the roof works continue but we are hoping to reopen the apartment in the spring. We have missed our lovely regulars there! We’ll keep you posted.

*Darragh did it’s absolute WORST. Look out for THAT update!